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KEY THINGS to Keep in Mind While Employing Cold Therapy
A person must understand that any form of cold therapy including cold showers, ice baths or cryotherapy is not a replacement for other prescribed medical therapies by a doctor, especially those prescribed to treat depression. Nevertheless, one may try cold therapy to boost the effects of other treatment methods.
Certain people must be cautious while taking cold showers
including people with weaker immune systems and/or with serious
heart conditions, like congestive heart failure. This is because the hasty fluctuations in body temperature and heart rate can overwhelm the body.
WHAT IS cold therapy
Ever took a cold shower after a difficult day and felt all the stress getting washed away? What if we tell you, it fundamentally is a form of therapy!
Cold Therapy also known as Cryotherapy and Cold-Water Immersion is delivered to the body of a human by exposing it to extreme cold temperatures via cold showers, ice baths or taking a dip in an ice-filled pool. Just sitting in a cold tank or standing under a cold shower can be enormously healing for the human body. However, the concept of cold therapy was recognized and appreciated only after the 1980s.
Since then, a lot of research around it has taken place and many people across the globe are willing to experience it. It can be confirmed that cold therapy is a tool to relieve stress and even boost the immunity system of the human body.
Many professionals including bodybuilders, athletes, and celebrities for whom their physical and mental health is extremely crucial use cold therapy. Many athletes, as they often endure various injuries, use cold therapy locally to treat the incapacitated body part. Athletes have often used cold therapy to decrease the chances of inflammation that result in muscle soreness after intense exercises. For any means of cold therapy to be beneficial to the human body, as per a study, the temperature should be 50-52 degrees Fahrenheit